2008 Fall & Winter Events
at Allegheny Lodge No. 114 F. & A.M.

Saturday, November 22nd
Family Night at the Lodge starting at 6:00 p.m.
Turkey will be provided by the Lodge.We will ask the ladies to bring their favorite covered dish for the occasion.
Mark Bradley, 9th District Director for the GACHIP program will present our program.

Monday, December 1st
Regular Lodge meeting.

Monday, December 15th

Wednesday, December 17th
Allegheny will be preparing food boxes.

Thursday, December 18th
Allegheny will be making fruit baskets for Masonic widows.

Friday, December 19th & Saturday, December 20th
Food boxes and fruit baskets will be delivered.

Past Masters Honored

Allegheny Lodge No. 114 honored our Past Masters with a special meal and an invitation for them to fill the lodge chairs. The Past Masters initiated two candidates in the EA Degree.